Despite its name, the Incognito mode in the Google Chrome browser is not really hidden because some website developers have found a way to detect if a user is in this mode. If you search for "how to detect incognito mode," you will discover many tools that developers can use to do so. But now, it seems that Google will solve this problem, as was the case recently in the management of Chromium Gerrit source code. Soon, your Incognito mode will be really incognito.
Of course, Google's intention for this mode is to protect you by temporarily logging out of all of your Google Accounts as well as those of Facebook and Amazon. But for a long time, developers can overcome a problem to determine if a user uses Incognito when visiting his website. Most sites earn money through tracking and advertising, so they are particularly in need of this data.
The most popular method used by developers is to try to access the file system API, which is disabled in incognito mode. So if they can not access it, the user is currently in undetectable mode. So, Google's plan is to remove the FileSystem API. It will create a virtual file system with the help of RAM when a file system will be requested in Incognito mode.
This incognito detection prevention feature will arrive in Chrome 74 but will be behind a flag. Users who know how to enable features with the help of the flag system will already be able to access them. But if you prefer that it be automatically activated, you will have to wait for two milestones or simply place Chrome 76.
VIA: 9 to 5 Google
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