Googlers Call Congress to End Forced Arbitration


Google employees are organizing a phone campaign to lobby lawmakers to legally end forced arbitration.

In February, Google said it would end the use of forced arbitration clauses. The clauses, which are widely used in many sectors, direct employee complaints to a private legal system rather than to the courts. Critics of these policies say that they give employers an edge over workers in case of conflict.

However, although Google has abandoned this policy, some employees are seeking national legislation banning this practice across the United States. Employees recently appeared alongside Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) to urge Congress to pass the law on the abrogation of injustice by forced arbitration (FAIR).

Employees set up a telephone bank on May 1 and ask people to make three appeals to legislators – two to the appellant's senators and one to their representative – in favor of the FAIR law, which was recently reintroduced in the House representatives. Workers also publish a guide, which includes contact information about legislators.

"By denying access to the courts, Google has denied its employees access to their rights," the employees said in a statement. "Although our employer has seen significant progress, we refuse to rest until all workers have all the rights."


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