GOP congressman Boebert defends decision to carry gun in Washington: ‘I am my own security’


Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., Told “Fox & Friends” that there is “no doubt” that she will carry her Glock handgun in Washington, DC, despite the chief’s backlash. of the police.

The newly elected lawmaker and owner of Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colo. Defended his viral ad on Tuesday.

“It’s right there in our Constitution. It’s an amendment to our Constitution, and there is an absolute outcry over people who want to stand up for me,” said the 34-year-old mother of four.

“I mean, come on. I’m 5 feet tall, 100 pounds. I’m now in one of the most dangerous cities in America. The violent crime rate here is 158% times the national average. I’ll walk. very much alone., “she said.


“As I say in my ad, being a congressman is pretty basic. I won’t work in an armored vehicle. I don’t have a personal police escort. I am my own safety here and my most basic right. is my right to defend myself, ”concluded Boebert.

Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee III told a press conference Monday he would contact Colorado lawmakers about his plans, noting that he wants to make sure “she is in the know of the laws of the District of Columbia “.

“This member of Parliament will be subject to the same penalties as anyone caught in the streets of Washington with a gun,” Contee added.

Boebert responded by saying that “there is no doubt” that she will be able to carry into the Capitol, noting that “the first order of business for the newly sworn police chief is to come after 34-year-old woman who wants to protect themselves. dangerous city. “

“I took the Concealed Carrying courses that Washington, DC needs to get a Concealed Carry Permit, and I think it’s very interesting that he wants to make sure I understand the gun laws. fire in Washington, DC, ”added Boebert. “Maybe I should make a video announcing that I plan to drive a car in Washington, DC, then the chief of police will say he’s going to brief me on the rules of the road in Washington. Enters the district of Columbia? Informing each person of their laws? I don’t think so. “

Boebert took advantage of Colorado’s porterage laws for the first time following a violent incident at his restaurant, Shooter’s Grill. After the waitresses at the restaurant asked if they could open the carry as well, Shooter’s Grill began mandatory training and target practice for all staff.

“Law-abiding, educated gun owners are the safest people in America. So when someone comes to restrict my rights and the safety of my family, I’ll tell them exactly what this mom thinks. “, concludes Boebert’s announcement. “Not only is it my right, but it’s a right that I was sent here to protect from Rifle, Colorado. So if you see me in DC say hello, you are safe with me.”

The ad comes after Boebert wrote a letter to House leaders on Friday urging them to maintain a 1967 rule that exempts lawmakers from a gun ban inside the Capitol building.


The letter, which was signed by 82 other current and incoming GOP members of Congress – including Dan Crenshaw, Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert and Matt Gaetz – arrived three days after 21 Democratic lawmakers asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to change the 53-year rule to prevent Boebert from carrying his gun on the job.

On Saturday, Boebert appeared to score a victory, as new rules unveiled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not appear to include a proposal to ban guns on Capitol Hill.


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