GOP congressmen advocate for Trump as ‘pro-American candidate’ at Republican convention


Republican members of Congress kicked off the 2020 GOP convention on Monday evening, arguing for President Trump’s re-election, calling the Republican Party a “pro-American party” and Trump a “pro-American candidate.”

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, spoke directly to voters on Monday night, saying that “it is the election that determines who can preserve the values, principles and institutions that make America great.”


“Do not believe me?” Jordan said. “Look at what’s going on in American cities, all run by Democrats. Crime, violence, crowd rule. “

“Democrats refuse to denounce the crowd and their response to the chaos?” Jordan continued. “Defund the police, defund the border patrol, defund the military.”

While some Democrats support postponing funding for police and border patrols, former Vice President Joe Biden has said he is not doing so.

Jordan went on to warn that Democrats “were trying to take your guns away,” while highlighting some of the positions the left has taken in recent months.

“The Democrats won’t let you go to church, but they will let you protest. Democrats won’t let you go to work, but they will let you riot, ”Jordan said. “The Democrats won’t let you go to school, but they will let you loot.”

He added, “President Trump fought against every one of their crazy ideas. He faced the swamp, the Democrats, the press and the Never Trumpers.

“And when you face the swamp,” Jordan said. “The swamp defends itself.”

Jordan went on to list some of the President’s obstacles, political and not, over the past four years, including the “Russia hoax”, the investigation by former special adviser Robert Mueller and what he called the “False impeachment”.

“But despite this incredible opposition, this president did what he said he would do,” Jordan said, highlighting the president’s record.

Meanwhile, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., Who was shot dead during congressional baseball practice in 2017 and seriously injured, warned “the left wants to dismantle the police.” .

“It’s personal,” he says. “I wouldn’t be here without the bravery and heroism of the men and women in law enforcement who saved my life.

“President Trump stands with these brave men and women,” Scalise continued. “Joe Biden embraced the left’s senseless mission to cancel them.”

He added, “There will be no America to leave our children and grandchildren without these brave law enforcement officers and first responders.”

Scalise then slammed Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, saying the former vice president “had made a career in Washington for 47 years promising things he never delivered.”

“We cannot afford another 47 years of empty promises,” Scalise said.

And Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., In his address to voters on Monday night, Gaetz offered options for the 2020 presidential election.

“Strength or weakness; energy or confusion; success or failure, ”Gaetz said.

“At the Democratic Convention, they promised to stop the madness. But we didn’t light the fire. And the weakness of the White House will not stop it, ”he continued.

“So what do we do?” He said. “Why not be satisfied with the violence in our neighborhoods or on our border? Don’t you settle for second best to cheat China? And not be content with another round of bad decisions from Joe Biden, who lives in the basement?

Gaetz added: “The Americans are not settling. We move forward. We don’t live in basements. We explore the border, the horizon and the stars.

Gaetz went on to call America “the greatest country that ever existed.”

“Don’t let any celebrity, athlete or politician tell you otherwise,” he says. “America is not just an idea or a constitution, it is our home.”

He added, “We must protect our home with an unbreakable, America-made force – a force I see in President Donald Trump every day.”

Scalise, meanwhile, said Trump’s “constant theme” for addressing the issues was “how much he cares about the hard workers Washington has left behind.”

“I saw this firsthand,” Scalise said. “After I was shot on a baseball field by a left-wing gunman, first responders took me to a hospital where I fought for my life.”

Scalise recalled that the president and first lady Melania Trump had come to the hospital the same evening to console his wife.

“They were there for my family in my darkest hours,” Scalise said. “Donald Trump would call me to check on me over the next few weeks, just to see how I was.”

He added, “That’s the kind of person he is. It’s the side of Donald Trump that the media will never show you.

And Jordan said he loved “the intensity of Trump and his willingness to fight every day in Washington for our families.”

“But what I also appreciate is something most Americans never see – how much he really cares about people,” Jordan said of Trump, sharing a personal family story on his nephew who was killed in a car accident two years ago.

Jordan recalled talking to the President on the phone about a few issues, then spoke of the tragic loss of his nephew. Jordan recalled that the president had offered to speak with his nephew’s father.

“For the next five minutes, family and friends sat in complete silence as the President of the United States took the time to speak to a father in pain,” Jordan said. “He’s the president I’ve come to know over the past four years.”

“A president who has shared private moments like this with soldiers, victims of violent crime, people whose businesses have been destroyed by the mob,” Jordan continued.

He added, “He’s the individual who made America great again and who knows America’s best days are still ahead. And that’s why I’m breaking my tail to help him get re-elected. I ask you to do the same.


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