GOP pushes the net neutrality bill to the audience


GOP legislators on Tuesday rejected the Democrats' proposed Net Neutrality Bill, calling it "extreme" and partisan, but said it would have died on arrival in the Senate.

Representative Bob Latta (R-Ohio), a prominent member of the House Energy and Commerce Technology Subcommittee, described the bill as a "non-starter", noting that it opened the broadband sector to a regulation to which Republicans have long opposed.

"Instead of engaging in trying to solve the problem, my colleagues have fallen back on the most extreme position in this debate," said Latta. "[The bill] has no chance even to pass the Senate or to be promulgated ".

The Save the Internet Act, introduced by Democrats last week, would restore Obama's era rules on the broadband industry.

The bill would codify the 2015 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Open Internet Order, which would have the effect of reviving the debate between Republicans and Democrats as to whether the FCC should have the legal authority to apply the rules of network neutrality.

Under the Democrats Bill, the broadband sector would be classified as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Communications Act – a designation that opens the sector to more stringent regulation by the FCC.

The designation "Title II" has long been a stumbling block for Republicans.

Republicans present at the hearing repeatedly presented a trio of bills recently introduced by Latta, Rep. Greg WaldenGregory (Greg) Paul WaldenHillicon Valley: Democrats resume fight for net neutrality | Zuckerberg promises to put more focus on Facebook | House Dems focuses on diversity in Silicon Valley | FBI chief warns of new misinformation campaigns Dems gather around new bill to restore internet neutrality FDA chief Scott Gottlieb resigns MORE (R-Ore.) And Rep. Cathy McMorris RodgersCathy McMorris RodgersHillicon Valley: Democrats resume fight for net neutrality | Zuckerberg promises to put more focus on Facebook | House Dems focuses on diversity in Silicon Valley | FBI chief warns of new misinformation campaigns Dems gather around a new bill to restore network neutrality 13 House Republicans who rejected Trump's emergency declaration MORE (R-Wash.), Which would reimpose some net neutrality rules without using the "Title II".

McMorris Rodgers called the bills "reasonable," while witnesses and some Democratic lawmakers criticized them for being weak with Internet service providers.

The hearing was marked by fierce battles on both sides, with the Democrats flexing their powers by a majority, while some Republicans addressed their criticism to witnesses who appeared before the panel.

At some point, the representative. Billy Long12:30 Report from William (Billy) H. LongThe – Presented by Kidney Care Partners – Legislators Expect Trump's Next Accord on Frontier Agreement Bad Weather Prevents Pelosi, Legislators from Attending Dingell The Funeral Hill & # 39; s 12:30 pm: Report on the State of the Union Takeaway | Views and sounds of the night | The Attorney General of Virginia admits that he was wearing a blackface PLUS (R-Mo.) Stressed his organization's tactics on Twitter, Matt Wood, vice president of politics and general counsel of consumer advocacy group Free Press.

Long asks Wood, a long-time advocate of Net neutrality rules, to reveal "the number of fundraising emails sent" by his organizations and the amount of money collected through these emails.

The Missouri Republican then accused Free Press and other consumer groups of "attacking" him on Twitter for his support for a "bipartisan law" on internet neutrality.

"Stop attacking people on Twitter when we try to do things in a bipartisan way," Long said.

Fight for the Future, another group that supports strict rules of net neutrality, tweeted soon after: "Aw, thanks for the scream."

A coalition of consumer groups has begun to step up pressure on lawmakers to support the Net Neutrality Bill, focusing in particular on the only Democrat who does not want to talk about the internet. did not support complementary legislation in the Senate – Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.).

representative Mike DoyleMichael (Mike) F. DoyleHillicon Valley: Legislators Talk About the Security of the 2020 Elections | T-Mobile, Sprint leaders defend merger before Congress | Officials Accuse Suspected Iranian Spy | Senate committee kicks off debate on data security bill Dems House salutes T-Mobile and Sprint executives on the merger House members refer to bipartite bill on the neutrality of the internet PLUS (Pa.), The House of Commons' largest technology committee on energy and trade, said Democrats were interested in working with Republicans on the bill.

He criticized Republicans for failing to "inform" their Democratic colleagues in advance of bills.

"Having been in the majority for so long, it may be difficult for some of my colleagues to recognize that they are no longer," Doyle said. "A better approach would be to sit down and get in touch with us before filing any bills."

representative Darren SotoDarren Michael SotoRecord's profits put a new eye on the tech giants Hispanic Dems announce the creation of the 116th Congress working groups (D-Fla.) Called the bill "an offer of openness", saying he and the other Democrats are open to "amendments" from Republicans sitting on the committee.

"We will have markup, so this bill is not limited to messaging," said Soto, adding that it was "wrong" to say that there was no chance that the bill is passed.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have expressed interest in net neutrality rules that would prevent Internet service providers from blocking, slowing down, or speeding up any content. But the parties remain deeply divided on ways to prevent this form of discrimination on the Web.

After the hearing, Doyle told reporters that he was planning a tagging of subcommittees by the end of the month.

Updated at 4:32 pm


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