GOP senator breaks with DeSantis on school mask mandates: “The local official should be in control”


“The local official should be in control here. I don’t want up and down Washington, DC. I don’t want up and down a governor’s office,” Cassidy, who is also a doctor, told Dana. CNN bash on “State of the Union” when asked if he disagrees with the order of DeSantis, another Republican.

“Regarding local conditions, if my hospital is full and my vaccination rate is low and the infection rate is going crazy, we should allow local authorities to make these decisions for their community best,” he said. he added.

Parents and students caught up in political skirmishes over mask and vaccine warrants

DeSantis and Texas GOP Governor Greg Abbott have both faced criticism from Democrats and public health experts for statewide banning mask warrants in schools as their states grapple with outbreaks of Covid-19 cases, but Cassidy’s criticism represents a rare disagreement within the party over orders.

Florida reported more Covid-19 cases in the past week on Friday than any other seven-day period during the pandemic, and the state has accounted for about one in five Covid cases nationwide in the past two weeks.

When asked specifically if the two governors prioritize public health policy, the senator, who had previously contracted the virus, said he did not want to “guess the motives of others”, but said argues that “public health suffers” when politics get involved.

“Anytime politicians go after public health, it usually doesn’t work well for public health, and ultimately it doesn’t work for the politician, because public health suffers and the American people want public health. “said Cassidy.

The bans on DeSantis and Abbott were also criticized last week by President Joe Biden, who called them “bad health policy”. DeSantis then defended his order and hit back at Biden by saying, “I am the governor who responds to the people of Florida, not the bureaucrats in Washington.”


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