Governor of Wisconsin's proposal would give ID to undocumented immigrants


Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) proposes to provide identity cards to undocumented immigrants from the state.

Undocumented immigrants would also have the opportunity to qualify for driver's licenses as part of Evers' budget proposal Thursday, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Evers is expected to address the state house in Madison this morning, but has published excerpts from his speech in the media before.

"We are announcing tonight that undocumented migrants will be eligible to receive driver's licenses and identity cards," Evers said in his speech, according to excerpts. "This makes our roads and communities safer and helps strengthen our economy and the families of Wisconsin."

Evers advocated giving undocumented immigrants the opportunity to get a driver's license by taking a test and paying fees.

According to the Sentinel Journal, lawmakers are likely to rewrite this part of the draft budget or reject everything.

The legislature led by the GoG had already passed bills under former governor Scott Walker (R) that severely limited Evers' powers when he took office.

Evers will now work with state legislators to finalize and approve a budget.


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