Graham asks Mueller if he wants to refute Barr's testimony


During his testimony before the Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Barr said Mueller had told him that he did not think the four-page summary of Mueller's findings was inaccurate, but that he was rather unhappy with the media coverage of Barr's summary when he had sent a letter challenging the characterization. of the report of the special council.

"Please inform the Committee if you wish to testify about a false statement by the Attorney General about the content of this phone call," Graham wrote.

The Democrats demanded that Graham ask Mueller to testify himself, arguing that Mueller's letter of March 27 shows that Barr misconstrued the report of the special council. Graham was firm on the fact that he would not summon Mueller to testify about the investigation, but he said at the end of Wednesday's hearing that he would be writing to Mueller. to give him the opportunity to answer.
RELATED: Verification: Can Congress Obtain Barr's Notes?

"I'm going to write a letter to Mr. Mueller and ask him," Did you say something about this conversation with which he does not agree? "And if there is one, he can come and tell us," Graham said at Wednesday's hearing.

The special council office declined to comment on this letter.

In Mueller's letter, sent after Barr published his four-page summary and revealed this week, the special advocate wrote that Barr's characterization "did not fully account for context, nature and content "from the investigation of the special advocate.

But Barr, who called Mueller's "somewhat discreet" letter, said that Mueller's reaction was different during a subsequent phone conversation.

"I said:" Bob, what's in the letter? Why did not you just pick up the phone and call me s & # 39; 39, there was a problem? " Said Barr. "And he said that they were concerned about how the media reacted and that they felt it was important to publish the summaries that they felt would put their work in the proper context." and avoid some of the confusion that reigned. "

Although Graham has not planned to have Mueller testify, the House Judiciary Committee is working to have him appear later this month, with a deadline of May 15, but it has not been finalized yet. . Mueller is sure to be asked about his conversations with Barr if he appears there.

Graham's Interest in FISA Claims

Graham told reporters Thursday that he was pursuing his own investigation into the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and allegations that the FBI would have abused the oversight act to get a warrant on Trump's campaign advisor, Carter. Page.

Mueller expressed his frustration the day after the Attorney General Barr released the summary of the special advocate's report

Graham said he was considering talking about the case with Chief Justice John Roberts, who appoints judges to the FISA court. He is concerned that Trump has become embroiled in the entire program as a result of the charges against the arrest warrant against Page.

"I'm going to call Roberts," said Graham. "The oversight of the judiciary is part of our job, but I do not want to dwell on the operation of a particular court, I do not have the intention of" call FISA judges … it makes me uncomfortable, but i'm going to ask Roberts, will you please look and see what happened "Because I do not want to lose the FISA program."


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