Gray's Anatomy Season 15, Episode 24: Bloody Recap: DeLuca in the Assault on Meredith's Insurance Fraud


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Some of the best speeches of The anatomy of Gray

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Again, we are not allowed to have beautiful things on The anatomy of Gray. You may remember that Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) made the fantastic thoughtful decision to commit insurance fraud to save a little girl who did not have Medicare. This decision was taken to bite her when the insurance lords of the hospital came forward to investigate – and DeLuca (Giacomo Giannotti) took the fall for her.

The funny thing is that Meredith started the episode, doubting that DeLuca wanted to say his "confession", and he is now facing a real prison so he can stay with his children and pursue his award-winning medical career. Unfortunately, Meredith discovered that DeLuca was very serious about what he felt for her while she was locked in a hyperbaric chamber and could not leave to prevent her from traveling to her. even. It's a gigantic mess, hearts are broken and it could not be worse.

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I LAUGH. C & # 39; Gray & # 39; s Anatomy and the final of season 15 is next week. If you remember, it's an odd season, forcing people to die in the next episode. The giant disaster planned for this final is the fog and many of our favorite characters are stuck in Seattle in different levels of danger – including Owen (Kevin McKidd), who is separated from Teddy (Kim Raver) after realizing that "I'm in trouble." she was in love with him. has just given birth with their child. Jackson (Jesse Williams) and Maggie (Kelly McCreary) can not even help stabilize things as they are stuck in the wilderness of Seattle after a camping trip that went terribly wrong. Honestly, who's camping?

Essentially, start working on your breathing techniques and prepare the tissues, because it will be a real tear.

The anatomy of Gray aired Thursdays at 8 am / 7 on ABC.

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAAAICTAEAOw ==" data-src = "190509-grays-anatomy-giacomo-gianniotti.jpg | https: // 10 / 3faab147-4637-438e-9884-8265617565dc / 190509-greys-anatomy-giacomo-gianniotti jpg | https: // 8265617565dc / 190509-greys-anatomy-giacomo-gianniotti.jpg "class =" article-attached-image-img b-lazy "alt =" Giacomo Gianniotti, The anatomy of Gray"width =" 2070 "height =" 1380 "title =" Giacomo Gianniotti, the anatomy of Gray "data-amp-src =" 3faab147-4637- 438f-9884-8265617565dc / 190509-grays-anatomy-giacomo-gianniotti.jpg "/>Giacomo Gianniotti, The anatomy of Gray


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