Great white shark hunted in Long Island Sound for "the first time"


Great white sharks off the coast of Carolina

A large white shark that was tagged last year off Nova Scotia was detected in Long Island Sound on Monday, just days after being spotted off the coast. North Carolina Coast. An organization that electronically tracks ocean life announced on Twitter that she was following the big white nearly 10 feet long in sound "for the first time in her history".

Ocearch, a group that follows ocean life, has published an image of "Cabot", a nearly 10-foot-long fish swimming near Greenwich, Connecticut. According to his Twitter Bio, the shark owes its name to explorer John Cabot after SeaWorld solicited suggestions from Nova Scotia.

Shark experts say it's 9 feet 8 inches long, weighs 533 pounds and is probably looking for smaller fish to eat.

Chris Fischer, founding president and chief of the Osearch expedition, said the group was "pretty surprised to see this one as far west as it is".

The group says that Cabot's presence could be a sign of improving the environment.

"It's something to celebrate," said Fischer. "I know that they have worked hard in the sound to clean it up and for life to come back to the area.When a predator like Cabot arrives in the area, it's a sign that there's Meme it has a lot of life in the area and you probably have things going in the right direction. "

Last week, Cabot was part of a group of great whites spotted off the coast of North Carolina. Great whites can weigh up to 4,000 pounds and reach 17 feet long, and their numbers on the Atlantic coast are on the rise.


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