12 humanitarian organizations against the EU: cultivates institutional hostility towards solidarity


For the adoption of policies and proposals "leading to the violation of European and international treaties concerning the procedures for the examination of applications for international protection", the European Council, 12 humanitarian organizations and non-governmental organizations At the same time, they add that he "cultivates institutional hostility towards solidarity, criminalizing not only the petitioners themselves, but also those who stand by their side by solidarity". [19659003] The organizations mentioned in the Summit's Migration Refugee Decisions stress that "the only consensus reached is that member states are not bound by the decisions of the Joint Political Summit, but can, if they do, wish, proceed unilaterally Regarding the conclusions of the European Council, organizations believe that: "The creative policy is rewarded and expanded."

the prospect of "regional landing platforms", c & # 39; ie gray areas of rights violations in third countries, paves the way for the adoption of accelerated procedures for the examination of asylum applications, the oldest line for strengthening FRONTEX expertise regarding evictions, as well as the criminalization of the action of solidarity organizations. "

The organizations that sign the announcement are: REQUEST, ARSIS – Social Organization Su pport Youth Network, Refugee and Immigrant Social Support Network, Hellenic Association for Human Rights, Hellenic Helsinki Monitor, Hellenic Refugee Council, Hellenic Refugee Forum, World Without War and Violence, LATHRA – Committee for Refugees Solidarity of Chios, Group of Advocates for Refugee and Immigrant Rights, PRAKSIS, Prison Rights Initiative, Support for Refugees in the Aegean Sea

Source: RES MP

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