12 new moons of Jupiter – Science discovered


Astronomers announced on Tuesday the discovery of 12 other Zeus moons, bringing the number of moons that scientists know to surround this gas giant, including a "guide in the wrong direction", which seems doomed to s & rsquo; crush on other moons that share his itinerary.

All newly discovered moons are relatively small. While Zeus, the fifth on a planet from the Sun, has large moons like Ganymede – the largest of the solar system with a diameter of 5,268 km – the new moons vary in size – from about six tenths of a mile (1km) like 2.5 miles (4 km). This is minimal compared to the diameter of 88,846 miles (142,984 km) of Jupiter.

A research team under astronomer Scott Shepard of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington identified 12 small moons of Jupiter. According to Shepard, these moons were probably objects formed near Zeus during the first period of the solar system, which were "captured" by the strong gravitational pull of the planet.

"Zeus is like a big vacuum because they are so mbadive, these objects started to revolve around Jupiter instead of falling in, so we think it's something intermediate, between rocky asteroids and icy comets, so that's ice and rocks. "[19659002] T. The most interesting of the new moons is Valetounto, named after the grand-grand-daughter of the Roman Jupiter, the goddess of health and cleanliness. Valetounto revolves around Jupiter in the same direction as the planet itself, but other small moons share the same "path" as they move in the opposite direction

. "Valeontudo is moving on the highway backwards, so it's" It's obvious that he's collided with them over the years, "says Shepard.

The 79 known moons of Zeus are the most planets of the solar system, followed by 62 have been identified around Saturn.As Sephard said, Jupiter and Saturn may have a similar number of moons with some of the smaller ones of Saturn not yet identified

A moon is defined as any object, regardless of its size, revolving around a planet, not by the sun Only the two inner planets of our solar system – Hermes and Venus – None of them: Of the 79 moons of Zeus, 26 have no name, of which nine out of ten news

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