17 million euros are returned to Greek farmers in the EU – Newsbeast


According to a regulation on the subject published in the Official Journal of the European Union, Greek farmers will receive 17 million euros out of a total of 444 farmers. The European Union, a few days ago.

The reimbursement of this amount will start on 1 December 2018 and, as indicated in the relevant communication, was initially deducted from the 2018 budget for the support of farmers' incomes under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the creation of agricultural products. a reserve for dealing with agricultural crises. , according to the Athens press agency.

According to commissionAlthough the agricultural sector faced critical situations this year, such as the extreme weather conditions of the summer, it was not necessary to use the 2018 reserve.

The Commission also notes that additional support measures to address the difficult market situation in some sectors are financed by the available CAP budget.

Damage caused by adverse weather conditions in spring and summer was taken into account by other measures available to help them. Farmers to overcome the consequences.


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