2018 World Cup LIVE: Sweden-England 0-2 (Second Half)


The United Kingdom, after many years of seriousness, is stunned by the excellence of this Swedish tournament in totally open game predictions.

The Swedes are at the "8" of a World Cup for the first time since 1994 had reached the semifinals, while the English went back to the quarterfinals in 2006. Unsurprisingly, their teams have coached both coaches with Gareth Southgate to have a single problem with Wardy while Yane Anderson did not count Lustig's punishment but was punishing back La. As

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62 ": New intervention of the formidable Pickford plasma of Toivonen and Henderson made salutary view of leaving the Klaeson.

55: Falling the pace

After a long time, Lyndhurd left the center and Duel Alley in the second bar with a header to score 0-2!

46 "Intervention of Big Pickford in Berkshire's head 30 seconds from the start of the second half

46" Center in the second half

45 "+ 2": End of the first half

45 "Sterling leaves this time, but again Olsen tells him not to win the ball again and can go to Cain

43: Sterling in the attempt and the shot from Lygard makes the heel with the ball to the left, but he is in offside position.

38: Birds in the region of England, Berk can not catch the head

Maguire defeated the United States the Swedish defender and put England in the lead of the rank!

30:: Gul # ol: Yang Maguire's corner with a nailed head opens the scoring for England!

30: Nelly Ally beat the ball Tricker who made the center and Kraft gave the corner

20: Very scared and devoid of both teams ..

12 & # 39: Claeson shot the ball two feet above the Pickford Bar

10: Grobkist advance the Serling and concedes

7: Deal Ali steals Craft but made a bad final pbad to Kein

5: very slow pace

The compositions
Sweden: Olsen, Lindef, Grabvist, Augsburg, Kraft, Larson, Extal, Forsberg, Claeson, Berk, Travenden
] England: Pickford, Walker, Stones, Maggie, Tripeir, Yang, Lyngard, Henderson, Dee Ali, Steirling, Cain

The teams arrived at Samara Arena!

Who is excited for this one, then? ?♂️?

TV Features ? https://t.co/xliHcxWvEO #SWEENG // #WorldCup

– FIFA World Cup @ (@FIFAWorldCup) July 7, 2018

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