The magnificent birth of an incandescent exoplanet (pic & vid)


For the first time in the history of astronomy, the photographic lens captures the magnificent moment of birth of an extraterrestrial planet giant while there is created in the disk of dust and gas surrounding a "young"

This particular photo is the first direct observation confirmed of such a young exoplanet, as confirmed by the members of the observation team in their announcement

"These records on the young suns are the" m "ieftiria" planets, but until now, only a few comments had recorded the presence of newborn planets. " "The plan of discovery, Miriam Kepler, of the Max Planck Institute of Astronomy, in Heidelberg, Germany, was emphasized."

Kepler and his colleagues badyzed new archival observations from a "newborn" dwarf star named PDS 70,, 4 million anns es, at a distance of 370 light years from Earth. The data on the discovery were collected in the very large VLT telescope in Chile, and an astronomical instrument at the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii.

According to the researchers, the exoplanet PDS 70b is two to three times larger than our own giant planet Zeus and is about 3 billion kilometers from its Sun – As long as the Uranus planet of our own Sun is located ,

The planet PDS 70b is much hotter than any planet in our solar system, at a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius. This high temperature may seem strange, given the planet's significant distance to its star, but it is consistent with that of other giant gas planets, because at this stage of their lives, they retain a large amount of heat at birth. 19659002]

According to scientists, "this observation opens a new window on the early unknown stages of planetary evolution."

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