Three plus a "gifts" to the government of Moscovis and … SW


In a particularly difficult day for the government, due to Camden's "explosion", Maximus received an unexpected gift from … NW: the intense inconvenience that he showed at the commissioner Pier Moscovici because of the messages she had sent on the course of the country, its release from the memorandum in August and the open possibility that pensions would not be reduced in 2019. [19659002] Especially the way Kostas Hatzidakis reacted to the Commissioner's statement that the possibility of non-execution of the measure is open

The spokesman of the government Dimitris Tzanakopoulos seizes the occasion to reprimand this attitude, as Maximos and later when Kyriakos Mitsotakis he recommended that Mr. Moskovis be "more attentive" because "there is no clear exit" from the country of the memorandum [19659004] Moskovishi turned the agenda

Officials call "at least welcome" the Moskovish statement, citing three reasons:

* First C & # 39; was the day that … arrested Panos Kammenos, announcing the lifting of ANEL's confidence in the government if the Prespa agreement was ratified by a simple majority of 151 deputies.
Whether by coincidence or consciously, they say, the commissioner has "turned the agenda" by doing unpublished: the main opposition faces the possibility (no visible) not to reduce pensions, as opposed to the government that launched it

* Second, Mr. Moskovis is the first institutional official to confirm this effort, depriving the opposition of the opposition. single weapon that remains to him seek elections after the agreement of the Eurogroup. "An element of particular importance after the departure of Potamio de KINAL and … through which raises questions about the course of the Movement

* Third, this development works "" any one or any ANEL MP always thinks to distance themselves ", as the future indictment is already enriched:" You have thrown the government on that it seemed to win the battle of retreats "…

plus the" neoliberal Mitsotaki program ", will dominate it Alexis Tsipras address tomorrow in Parliament on the agenda of the debate on the Eurogroup agreement requested by the ND

"Burning Problem"

Despite the breath of yesterday offered by Mr. Moskovis, the "Burning Problem" remains . In an attempt to dissolve the dense clouds and not consolidate the image of destabilizing politics, he changed his posture during the day, while in the evening he gave deep badurances (through ANT1) that he would support the government until the end. According to the information, he discussed all his possible and subsequent steps with Mr. Tsipras last night, insisting however that would not vote on the case Alexis Tsipras for the nomenclature

ANEL (Attorney, at least), while there were at least three who personally insured ("on their own initiative") the Maximus rulers that it was n & rsquo; There was no possibility of

A specimen of writing will be given tomorrow in the House, because it is certain that the opposition (of the opposition) will seek to destabilize the government, which will answer "accordingly"

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