Koutsoubas: The T-shirts do not hide the fourth memorandum


"The situation in shipyards will worsen as long as the shipbuilding industry remains at the center of clashes and rivalry between governments and major monopoly interests".

This is what the KKE CC, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, who visited the shipyard Elefsina

points out, added that in recent years, more general competition has been exacerbated, including the dangerous "geostrategic games", the collision of the bourgeoisie of the wider region, which increases its aggression, as well as the role of flag-bearer of NATO in Greece, stressing that "all want that the Shipbuilding industry is fully adapted to their own interests ".

million. Koutsoumpas noted: "Neither the shields nor the destabilization scenarios run by government officials can hide that the SYRIZA-ANEL government with the debt agreement has charged our people with a new Memorandum of Understanding. agreement, which, like all memoranda are not "

He stated that the agreement provides: the termination of pensions, the reduction of tax-free allowances, the reduction of health costs, the blocking of social benefits, the acceleration of auctions, a minimum wage cut and sewn to monopoly measures, investments where capital is needed, a new release of energy, an acceleration of privatization [19659003"Itturnsoutthatcapitalistdevelopmentrequiresnewsacrificesforworkers"Itisundeniablethatthecountryisdefinitelyturningthepageandenteringanewperiodwheretheposition9austeritywilltakeeveryday"saidKoutsoumpascallingtochallengethedislikeoftheprimeministerHealsonotedthattheSYRIZA-ANELgovernmentliketheprecedentsofNDandPASOK"hasnotsolvedanyproblemofGreekdebtbutratherchargestheGreekpeoplewithadebtthatoffersevenviable"

" This debt was not created by the people but by the multilateral support of capital "

He said the SYRIZA-ANEL government" has managed to do all the dirty job, one that has failed or failed to complete previous governments on behalf of large capitals, the EU and NATO "and" SYRIZA has turned out to be "the best student" of the NATO and the United States in our region. "[19659003] He reaffirmed that the so-called" Euro-Atlantic integration "in the Balkans does not guarantee but he opens the way to destabilization in the region and adds that the recent agreement with Macedonia promotes the entry of Macedonia into NATO and the EU and calls for "all other pretexts for sin "

" Especially the adoption by the Greek Government of unclaimed positions on "Macedonian nationality" and "Macedonian language", which means seed of division of peoples, revival of nationalisms dangerous from either side, vehicle changes borders

SUMMES called for a meeting with the KKE, stressing that "the real line of demarcation that exists in society is only the clbad" that "the workers, the unemployed, the self-employed, the poor peasants, the women and the new members of the popular family and a handful of capitalists exploiting capitalists. "

" The KKE's political proposal to our people begins with the rebuilding of the workers' trade union movement, capable of leading a large social union that will encompbad the popular majority, all popular strata, prevent unpopular measures, demand relief measures, and more importantly, it will target the real opponent of its capital and its power, "concluded the KKE CC.

Source: RES-MPE

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