How we came tears of joy in the river of taxes and cuts


The image of group dance embraced in the Constitution for the proud non-vote is a distant past, although it has just pbaded three years of 62% in favor of no to the proposed agreement by the lenders.

The reality that followed was only … "yes to everything"! Of all the members of SYRIZA / ANEL: "Yes" in new memoranda, "yes" to new measures, "yes" to the transfer of public property for 100 years, yes to pension cuts, yes to the cut of the EKAS, "Yes" to the tax and levy increases, "yes" and tie!

In the most precise tie of all time. Perhaps the image of Alexis Tsipras in Zappeion, a few days ago, will soften the pain of his wife this year, which reveals in an interview that every year of such a season, to On the occasion of the referendum, he cries.


The vote for the July 5 referendum began and ended smoothly across the country. Early in the evening, the results were known. The "no" prevailed in the "yes" with the overwhelming 62%.

He followed a night of joy for many and worried for some. It has only been since then for our economy and society that most of us have never seen the light of day. On Monday, the sun came out, but the banks did not open. While the Greeks had spent a three-day mercurial search for liquidity droplets from ATMs.

The capital controls were announced Friday night June 26, 2015. Daily withdrawal limit … 60 euros! At the same time, a holiday was declared, which lasted until July 20.

In 2014, the Greek economy turned to positive growth rates. Deposits rose to 164 billion euros. Today it is less than 130 billion!


The drama had begun a few days earlier. On Saturday, June 27, 2015, Alexis Tsipras announced by decree his decision to organize the referendum.

"… In the ultimatum of blackmail for accepting from us a severe and humiliating austerity without end and without prospect of ever retreating socially and economically, I invite you to decide proudly and proudly, as the History of the Greeks caused it … … and I personally commit myself to respect the result of your democratic choice, no matter what it is. "

He then had two sides. One in the Constitution and one in the mansion Maximus. Dances and joys on the square, tight lips in the Prime Minister's office. The image of Alexis Tsipras, with the obvious signs of pressure on his face, perfectly matches his words:

"… The Greek people made a courageous decision, but I am fully aware that the order is not an order to break! This order will serve it without delay! Tomorrow, Greece will come to the dialogue table for a viable solution.
… Our immediate priority is to restore the functioning of our banking system "

 The word Tsipra for the referendum

Giannis Varoufakis suffered from the first fever. He was happy in Maximus, but as he described he saw only slanted heads. Just at dawn, he resigned and Euclid Tsakalotos went to negotiations.

On July 12, after the 17 hours of trading, Alexis Tsipras agrees with the lenders in the "Memorandum 3". On July 23, he introduced the agreement in the House. On August 14, the new memorandum becomes law of the state.

"I do not regret choosing the compromise against the heroic dance of Zalongos for Greeks and Greeks," said the Prime Minister in his speech.

On August 20, the Prime Minister fails to make his promise to the opposition and submits the resignation of his government. At that time, only 21 deputies became independent and formed "the unity of the people".

Very late to … cry, because they could have thrown the government out before the protocol was adopted. But they stayed until the end.

SYRIZA was again the first, the ANELs entered the House again and the cooperation continued as if it had not happened one day. Lenders became institutions and, instead of the Ministry of Finance, meetings with them were agreed at Hilton

The places were empty, but they filled the government and parliamentary offices with renegades. With "guide" the iconic figure of Nikos Karanikas. And members of the "I do not pay" movement have received notifications to go through the fund!

The biggest shock, however, is that the government that would cut the memoranda and re-establish wages and pensions with a law and an article would keep it for retirees and self-employed workers.

The famous Catrushall Law, which made happy and proud the man who gave him his name, stammered that they had left the two previous memoranda, and was subjected to strong contributions.

Really, what to remember and what to forget? What have we lived in the last three years?
The … centipede of Euclid Tsakalotou?
The rent allowance of the Papadimitriou-Antonopoulou couple?
The 7,000 of the parliamentary allowance of which only lives … 2000 to Ms. Karakosta?
The Jurbadic Torture System?
Tzanakopoulos who spent two years in Aigaleo?
The birthday party of Kammenos with Pollakis and … Genidi?
The incredible Twinster of the Minister of Defense (ex: link with the penis) for which he incriminated his child?
The English of the Prime Minister?
The French Pollack?
The prime minister's cigar dehumidifier on the spot for the social dividend?
The illusions of Alexis Tsipras?
Does EFFIA increase instead of being abolished?
The auction?
The rudeness of Rubikon?
Islands full of refugees?
The granting of Macedonian language and identity in Skopje?
Or the declaration of the Prime Minister's partner?

Betty Baziana: Every 5th of July I'm crying nerves. And we and the worst …

 Betty Baziana speaks to "Ef.Syn."

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