They seek a connection with Writer, they ask for explanations in Moscow


The British authorities are extremely serious about the new incident of two poisonings, confirming that they were exposed to the same neurotoxic factor that poisoned Sergei Scripal and his daughter. Moscow's explanations demand London

The two British citizens remain in critical condition, but no other details are known and there is no evidence that they were deliberately targeted.

It should be noted that the relations of the two countries were found in the Nadir after the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Scrippal and his daughter a few days ago in Salmsbury, a few kilometers from the place of the new incident.

"The Russian state could correct this" mistake ", they could tell us what happened, what they did, and fill in some of the important gaps that we are trying to fill ", said Secretary of State Ben Wallace today. BBC Radio

"Those (Russia) are the ones who can complete all the elements for the world to be safe."

At the same time, the head of the House of Commons said that Sajid Jawid will today make a parliamentary announcement at the Neurot poisoned xiko agent both British. No specific date has been given for this announcement, but it is estimated that it will be made after 2 pm.

This inexplicable poisoning, up to here, of the Emirates couple has caused public health concerns in the wider region, after the poisoning of scrapie, a vast operation of disinfestation took place.

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