"Potentine informed Sporting that he wants to go abroad and play elsewhere" Superleague and Olympiakos


Among other reports of the Portuguese network Tvi24, he insists on Podehenes – of which you were informed about Gazzetta here and here from Sporting Lisbon. In this contact he conveyed to them that "he is not trying to continue at Sporting and wants to play abroad." Always reported to the people of Sporting that he would continue his career elsewhere. "In the same report, he Olympiacos played very strongly as a very likely destination for the young miserable, but also for the Roma, as well as for the role of Mendes agendas

It is emphasized that Daniel Podeinse had a contract with Sporting – but after this that he did, he made the necessary steps to stay free – an agreement could be made to get Sporting an amount of 2 – 2.5 million euros to not pursue the case anymore far. At this point, however, everything seems to indicate that the Portuguese intermediary is taken by the Port … We must again note that all these ups and downs and constant changes and data changes are due to the questions the Lisbon Group and its differences in the highest. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns: n = f.fbq = function () {n. callMethod?
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