It's a fact! Returns "Coffee of Joy" – Rome Reveals |


Everything is ready and matched. The breakthrough that played at ANT1 will come back with new episodes and ready to redo high level shows on the channel.

In Kou Kou's In The Foo, Haris Romas makes revelations on the details: "The Coffee of Joy is another story.It is ANT1.It's my home. Money is found to become … And the idea is there.The concept exists.We all agree at the end.I will never accept to become inferior since.And I do not even want to be like a can of yourself.This will be done after Renia Louizidou's contract with Alpha.This would not happen now. "(Fffqq = {19459008]); if (! _fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement (& # 39; script); fbds.async = true; fbds.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; script); [0]; s.parentNode .insertBefore (fbds, s); _fbq.loaded = true;} _fbq.push ([‘addPixelId’, ‘364643247051601’]);}) (); window._fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push ([‘track’, ‘PixelInitialized’, {}]); [ad_2]
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