D. Vitsas: We will not allow Greece to become a shop of souls – Politics


The reduction of refugee flows, the agreement between Greece and Germany and the statements of Viktor Orban and Sebastian Kurt were at the heart of statements by the Minister of Migration Policy, Dimitris Vitsas, in an interview with Cypriot parapolitics.

"Except in April when we had an increase in flows, every other month we had a very sharp drop in flows at Evros and a reduction – if not the same – in the Aegean islands. At the same time, we are making an effort to speed up the asylum procedures so that the plaintiff knows what will happen: if he will take refuge, if he is vulnerable or he will be sent back to his home country or to Turkey.But we must continue to work, "said Vitsas. He then stressed:

"Our goal is to decompress the islands, especially in Lesbos and Samos. The procedures must go very quickly. Our goal is for 17,000 refugees and immigrants in the islands to reach 10,000 by the end of September. "At the same time, he added:" There is a strange rumor that new islands are coming on stream. will open on the islands. This is not the case. In each of the five islands of Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Kos and Leros, there will be a reception and identification center. There is a chance to create another center in Samos instead of the existing one. This will be done in consultation with the local community and the existing will be allocated to the municipality for operation if the project joins. "
With regard to the recent statements by Viktor Orban and Sebastian Kurtz, the minister noted: "We will not allow Greece as a government to become a reserve of souls, there are European leaders who are trying to to impose a policy of authoritarianism, a Europe-fortress policy Mr. Kurts and Orbán try to impose a frightening agenda.This will not pbad Mr. Orban makes a story that n & # 39; 39, has nothing to do with reality. "

Analyzing the points of the Greece-Germany-Spain agreement, Mr. Vitsas pointed out:" The agreement between Greece, Germany and Spain has five points: first, that the three countries will work together to deal with European issues Secondly, in times of crisis there will be co-operation and badistance from Germany to the other two countries. , Germany will provide additional financial support for infrastructure and personal el other two countries. Fourthly, in the future, people who will be in Germany and who have crossed Greece will be sent back to Greece. The fifth point concerns family reunification in Germany. There have already been 2,000 applications from people in Greece to meet with their family in Germany.

There are 900 similar additional requests. Currently, negotiations for the technical part are in progress and will be completed by the end of July. Its implementation will start at the beginning of August. Of those who come back from Germany, there is no way to go to the islands. They will come to the hinterland. There is nothing hidden from the Agreement. "
In conclusion, the Minister pointed out that "all who come, whether he is a refugee, a foreigner or an economic migrant, add and, in this sense, also help countries that have started wars or engendered economic migration. We must also question how we manage these issues on the basis of the Geneva Convention on our borders and the necessary sharing of the burden across Europe. We must work at all levels and at the same time there is a balance of rights between refugees and immigrants and the local population. "

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