KAPPA Research: How Citizens See Prespa Agreement and Debt – Politis Online


A vote of 5.5 percentage points gives Nea Republic a survey of KAPA Research

In the vote, ND ranks first with 23.3%, followed by SYRIZA with 17.8%. The third part is Golden Dawn with 8.7% and fourth place is the change movement with 6.9%. 5.7% is ranked fifth in the KKE. Outside the House, ANEL, Union of Centers and Popular Unity, with respectively 2%, 2.6% and 1.5%, remains

For the Prespa Agreement [19659002] For the Prespa agreement 58% consider the Athens-Skopje agreement, while 30% have a positive opinion. In the field of the economy, 47% criticize the agreement of the Eurogroup

Faced with corruption

It is worth mentioning that the question of how citizens judge the work of the government in the fight against corruption, in a percentage of 69% expressed a negative opinion, against 29% responded positively

The agreement of the Eurogroup [19659002] In the field of the economy, 46% while 32% rate it positively.

More specifically, 36% consider that the country's exit agreement is negative

In addition, 43% think that the Greek economy will worsen, while 30% think that & # 39; It will remain stagnant and 25% will improve. Finally, 48% would like to hold early elections, while 50% do not want it. 18% agree with Barbarousi

Finally, the fact that in the survey, 18% seems to be in agreement with the opinion expressed by Kostas Barbaros YSE at the House, let the army intervene and arrest the president, prime minister and defense minister. 72% disagree with this view

Moreover, 45% agree with the view that those in favor of the nomenclature agreement are traitors, while 48% do not agree

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