The latest Skype update adds the read flag


As usual, the "Read Message" function can be found in messaging applications such as WhatsApp, iMessage, KakaoTalk, Telegram, LINE, Facebook Messenger and so on. For some unexplained reason so far, we have not found this option on Skype, but Microsoft with its latest update has also added this feature

According to Microsoft, "Reading Evidence allows you to see who you've seen your posts at a glance.When someone reads your message, his avatar appears underneath that of the Skype conversations, allowing you to see how someone One read the conversation without touching each message The feature is available in 1: 1 conversations and group conversations with 20 or fewer people This feature is only available to insiders, so you can try them with your friends. contacts, which are also in the latest version of Insider. "

For those who do not really like the idea of ​​reading evidence and the potential volume that they can create, do not worry because you can d disable the function. According to Microsoft, users can choose to disable read receipts or they may prefer to be invisible

This update applies to all platforms on which the Skype service is available, namely, Android, Windows , Linux and Mac


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