"Something" hurt "Haneikat, he said he's good with a letter …" | News


The man with whom Taylor Haneikaat spoke shortly before the end of his life, "broke" his silence

Barrot Escott spoke to ] Los Angeles Times "for the intransigence of his former player and his difficulty in adapting to Russia

" It is difficult for a child in Los Angeles to go in Russia without knowing the language and the place. It was a bit difficult to adapt. I kept telling him that he had to go out and know people . "

And he continued:" He was a fantastic kid … A big kid! He had some problems, and to my knowledge, he shot himself .

His trainer Haneikat at Sylmar High School spoke to him shortly before the fatal did happen and said: It was he who told his mother to take police

While police were outside the 27-year-old athlete's house, many believed that they were still alive, since they sent messages mobile. They Escott who revealed: " I asked him if he was well and he was just answering a letter:" K " b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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