Justin Bieber was engaged to Hailey Baldwin


The suggestion was in the Bahamas

She may be only 24, she may have recently shared Selena Gomez's favorite, but Justin Bieber decided to formalize the tyo link with another ex, model and actor's daughter Steven Baldwin, Hailey

According to foreign media reports, the famous singer asked his beloved to be engaged and she accepted. The proposal was made at a Bahamian restaurant where they both had a vacation.

Two women who have been eyewitnesses to the romantic suggestion have said that Bieber has come up with a proposal to engage the model at the hotel restaurant where they live Saturday night, July 7th.

Indeed, post-security pop men had asked those in the restaurant to hide their cell phones because it was going to happen "something special" …

The pair joined in 2016, but after a brief relationship and met this spring spring, soon after Bieber had spoiled them with Selena Gomez.

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