A gigantic dinosaur over 200 million years old was discovered


The remains of a giant dinosaur who lived on Earth more than 200 million years discovered a group of researchers in Argentina

is almost three times bigger than the biggest dinosaurs of the Tribadic. It was discovered in 2015 in the province of San Juan, 1100 kilometers west of Buenos Aires

The discovery was published yesterday in the journal Science Nature Ecology & Evolution and has was announced in Argentina by the University of La Matanza. ] The researchers found the vertebrae of the tail and tail of the dinosaur, the bones of his front paws and part of the bones of the back of his paws

It is a kind of "herbivorous dinosaurs, with four legs easy to distinguish long neck and long a line of the sauropod team, "says Cecilia Apaldeti, researcher at the Institute and at the Museum of Natural History of San Juan and Conicet.

Up to At present, scientists thought that such giant dinosaurs appeared on Earth in the Jurbadic 180 million years ago

According to researchers, the dinosaur discovered between 6 and 7 meters long, young and heavy about 10 tonnes, or 2 or 3 elephants

Separated Mesozoic Era in three major periods: the triadic (before 251 to 200 million years ago), the Jurbadic (before 200 and before 145 million years ago ) and the Cretaceous (145 to 65 years ago)

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