Bakoyannis: Do everything to leave the disaster – Politics


  Bakoyannis: do everything to make the disaster come back

Ms. Bakoyannis accused the government of not being able to introduce a bill, like that of the expatriate vote, resolved by all the countries, until M Erdogan. Source: ANA

In the government's intention to undermine and preserve the country's future, Dora Bakoyannis has paid a deposit of the bill for the mere proportional to the local government, as well as the government's postponement of the vote of the Greeks abroad.

He even expressed the hope that the ND government will "change" this law before the municipal elections and reproach the government for failing to introduce a bill on a topic such as the vote of Greek expatriates, who has been resolved by all countries, even Mr. Erdogan.

"The reality is that you are doing everything to leave behind your disaster.You do not want to solve problems, you want to undermine and mortgage tomorrow as much as you can." In the Republic, however, as says Pavlos Bakoyannis, there is no stalemate, elections in one way or another will come in. But four polls that you want to put in place for 104, the Greek people will speak and you will be sidelined, "said Ms. Bakoyannis in government bays.

"Instead of a simple proportional bill, you have a simple transaction and transaction bill because it's impossible to make a decision without a transaction.What you're doing means that city councilors, who will be appointed and who will be bodies of interest, can paralyze the functioning of the municipality, "said the ND deputy to the Minister of the Interior.

The Logic "After Me The Chaos"

He accuses the government of showing a lack of democratic sensitivity and to show a logic that says "after me the chaos", adding that this logic that the government argues, is not entitled to have it when it "brings municipal elections, that the institution closest to the citizens will make it totally invalid".

"You do not have this right, and you do it too badly, by bringing such logic into the local government.Because in the end, the rumors will be about local government. A mayor to be truly independent should be based on the majority, otherwise it becomes an organ of interest, and the small and medium and big interests are always there, and you will see this decision on the functioning of the autonomy government, "he added, Mr. Skourtetis.

Referring to the issue of voting Greeks abroad, he spoke of "excuses on behalf of the funny marginal government" so as not to introduce a bill to solve this problem.

He pointed out that if the government had a democratic sensibility, it would draft two bills that ND had presented and that would eventually introduce a bill.

Finally, he said: "We are a country with 2 million people, people with electoral rights abroad who, if they could, could return to Greece" and asked, "What is the problem? Have all the countries resolved, even Mr. Erdogan and voted 3 million Turks for the Turkish elections and the Greek government can not introduce a bill? "

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