DW Bakoyannis: SYRIZA voted simple analogue to self-government to impose culture of chaos


National polls prior to May, following Eurogroup developments, are predicted by Dora Bakoyannis. The Communist Party of Economics and Development accuses SYRIZA of having voted the simple badogy of autonomy not to strengthen the culture of cooperation, but because it "really wants to impose the culture of chaos ".

Regarding the simultaneous conduct of local elections and European elections, concludes that "the government panics and believes that with such terpices it will confuse the citizens". "Do not let any illusions in. Those who voted, whenever they set it up, the citizens will show him the door to the exit," Bakoyannis says, through " Sunday Evening ".

She describes herself as "comic-tragic" the country at the top of NATO, where on the one hand the prime minister defended the agreement, and on the other hand, the minister Defense stated that the agreement would not be pbaded by the House. "I believe that the government in recent days, in order to conceal this hatred, and in particular the expected NATO invitation to the Skopje government to start accession talks, has served a national infatuation -clicked, "said the former minister. I do not question their intention to release our two officers, but they have chosen again the logic of the division to cover the invitation of NATO to Skopje and therefore the total repeal of the Acquired from Bukur

For his presence at the Erdogan swearing-in ceremony and the attack that she received from the government, the deputy replied that "Mr. Tsipras with his attitude proved once again the cause of his pathetic failure in "

" I think the Prime Minister refuses to give any help that a Greek politician can offer to a problem that concerns all of Greece ", explains Dora Bakoyannis

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