The world is more dangerous today believe 6 out of 10 |


Most people think that the world is more dangerous today than they were two years ago, because political violence and weapons of mbad destruction are becoming more and more more worrying, according to a report released today. Six out of ten respondents, led by the Global Challenges Foundation, say the risks have risen, with aggressive weapons, nuclear or chemical weapons considered a greater risk than population growth or climate change [19659002] It is clear that Existing international cooperation systems no longer give people a sense of security, "said Global Vice President of the Global Challenges Foundation, Ms. Anderson, in a statement.

In his view, turmoil in country relations NATO and Russia, conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Ukraine, and nuclear tensions with North Korea and Iran have the effect of feeling insecure.

Another study led by the Global Challenges Foundation the leader of the North At the same time, less than a third of the roughly 5,000 respondents in the latest survey said they feel less concerned by weapons of mbad destruction.

"The war is more likely," said Patricia Louis, Chatham House's think tank for international security. "There is a lot of instability recorded, and this is often considered a precursor to the war."

More than 10,000 people participated in the survey in 10 countries and were led by ComRes in April

Source: Reuters

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