Ilias Gotsis: "I met Melina's reaction early, just what I was impressed was …" (Video)


Elias Gotsis spoke about Melina Metaxa and what happened between them when the teams changed

Survivor winner Elias Gotsis spoke to Doretta Papadimitriou about tensions between him and Melina at the beginning of the game with their teammates, something that joined them and later when he was called to select the players for the Fighter team, he was dismantled …

"Just because I knew that 39, there was a responsibility to build a competitive group emotion I could have made choices in terms of emotions and not how to build a strong team.We had the names in front of us and we had to choose how else could choose.The only thing I thought, because it was not Elias the team, it was the team of Fighters, we had to form a team we could be Fighters, not like Elias.

The Truth is that in the beginning there were difficult times. with some of my teammates. However, as far as Melina is concerned, I feel lucky because I did not do everything on my own. It may be that Melina and I have been accused of certain things, we may have been marginalized for that, but I have not spent everything and I thank Melina for putting her trust and confidence in me. to have been with me at every difficult moment. that's what I did for Melina. When I needed it, I was always there. From that moment, what I said to Melina, is that when there are such situations, you have two choices: either you go against those who blame you, or let time show what is really. Time has shown that we are simply influenced by certain things and that it may have been small things that we had the right to separate because we had many more things in common.

Was it surprised when Katerina Dalaka chose Melina Metaxa for her team? It took a little time to think about the choices of the players. I had made a little paperweight. The reality is that once I heard Katerina Dalaka say Melina I did not expect it, because I had imagined it differently in my mind. I did not believe it because they were always rivals and I thought that there was a contest, I say I would not choose it. Melina is one of the people that I saddened for not being part of my team because I considered her one of the most powerful players of Survivor

I have immediately respected the reaction of Melina, because I understand just what impressed me and that I had told Melina, I made a gesture to talk to him, I gave him his time she just did not choose to come back after me. Because usually in my relationships, I think I'm docile and that I'm as emotional, I may have figured out that maybe everything I believed up to that moment may not to be reciprocal. I've never kept the badden on Melina who had this behavior, it was just a disappointment, because when you come with a man near you, you expect things to evolve differently. Over time, Melina made her move, came in, we talked and did it when I was alone, knowing that I needed it, "Elias Gotsis replied.

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