Smartphone application "protects" the heatwave –


The "EXTREMA Athens" is available on Google Play and AppStore

Apply for a smartphone that protects from the heat wave, created by the Municipality of Athens and the Observatory of Athens [19659003] This is a simple and easy-to-use app for smartphone mobile devices, EXTREMA Athens, available on Google Play and the AppStore, and cuts off vulnerable population groups against high temperatures, informing citizens about high-risk places risk of the city, as well as cool locations that are available [19659003] EXTREMA Athens uses satellite data in conjunction with atmospheric models to locate the most affected areas in real time, and at the same time warns and recommends appropriate measures of risk reduction

Also offers a fresh places map where residents and visitors to the city can ask for dew during the weather extremes.

Also, information, opening hours and directions to get to the nearest service point.
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