Turkey continues to murder and take hostages


A violent badault with expressions and harsh accusations, Defense Minister Panos Karatos unleashed against Turkey during his speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Missing Persons Mana in the Grave Macedonian in Nicosia

. The Greek Defense Minister said that Turkey "is the same, that it does not change, that it continues to violate international law, continues to murder and arrest, to detain hostages without even accused, "adding that Ankara" should understand "

More specifically, the speech of Panos Kammenos of Cyprus:
" Today, we are all here, after 44 years. Here are the heroes who fought for the liberation of our nation, of a nation, of a nation

Here are the parents of the heroes and with us, from above they are also the heroes who "fell" fighting for the faith and the homeland For the nation, for the nation

The parents and heroes of NORATLAS, as well as the relatives of the missing persons, came from Greece for the first time to attend today 's event together, the direction of the Ministry of Defense natio nale and all over the nation

It is a great pleasure to attend this event at the monument to the man of the lost heroes of the Turkish invasion of 1974. Monument built with the contribution from the two governments Greece and Cyprus and is the minimum tax for missing mothers. Mothers who have so strongly and catalytically linked their souls and lives to the insignificant day that their heroic children have been defeated in defending the sacred and sacred places of the Motherland

Heroes of men called to save the Thermopylae, heroes who sacrifice and sacrifice their huge accent works in our collective consciousness as a voice of lasting memory and national debt, against ourselves, but also against our glorious long history

The manes we remember in the barricades remember to tear while holding the picture of their child. Some of them are not here today.

Men who hoped that someone would tell them that their son was alive and one day, maybe very soon, he would come back.

So we remember every mother of our departed, proud and patient

So today we honor the mothers who offered to their homeland, to the nation and to Cypriot Hellenism, ( 19659002) We honor the mothers who have offered the freedom and independence of our nation

We honor the mothers who put the ideals of our people on their pain

We honor mothers who have left life without (19659002) We honor mothers who cared for the old ladies with "or" and were sending their children to the heroes pantheon ["Pourleshommesglorifiés"ditPériclès"unetombeestchaquecoindelaterreetleurexistencen'estpbadeulementrévéléeparl'inscriptiond'unecolonnedansquelquecoindelapatriemaislesouvenirdeleurhéroïsmeestpréservéauxétrangerssculpténondansuneœuvred'artmaisdanslecœurdechaqueêtrehumain[19659002] We know and acknowledge our debt to those who have off their life a sacrifice to defend the freedom and territorial integrity of Cyprus.

Already, as you know, on my ministerial road, the recognition of the heroes of Cypriot tragedy, the discovery of the remains of the disappeared and the repatriation of those who belonged to the Greeks to be appropriate by their families.

However, we could not do anything without ours. your personal pa

I must say that after many years, with your help, but also with the help of Cypriot defense ministers – and today, but also Mr Fokaidis – and the President of the Republic of Cyprus. the persistence of the cadres of the armed forces managed to bring back the first dead that their homeland and their relatives received after 42, 43 and 44.

At your command and the Prime Minister of Greece to finally open the files and to know who is to blame and who blames you for paying but we will not bury under the responsibilities of some of our nation's heroes and history.

The invasion of Cyprus was not "exercise under license", no one had the right to give permission for the invasion and occupation. It was a national liberation struggle, it was a war and the heroes who "fell" in this war are heroes of the Nation and Homeland and we recognize them

I know the fury of many fighters and that is why we promise, that the battle of the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Cyprus will continue before the graves of the heroes, but also you, the survivors and loved ones, up to what the last missing person is found. We say we will continue to fight. Be sure that

I remember you from Orpheus, I was a young student with Theophilus Georgiades. After "Orpheus" we went to Fedopoulos to see what news we have missing people and how we will continue the fight.

Now with the help of the Republic of Cyprus, the Hellenic Republic and the International Organizations with new instruments such as DNA, we have moved forward and we will go even further until we find out who is our last hero.

We recognize our debt for the justification of their sacrifice through our continuous efforts to achieve a just and functional solution,

I wish with you, in the presence of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, to send a message to the parents of the soldiers who are currently imprisoned in the high security prisons in Adrianople

We send a message to the Greek soldiers to hold their head as they hold it, and to their parents to be patient.

Turkey is the same, does not change, continues to violate international law, continues to murder and conceives,

She must understand that she will have the whole world of freedom

For this reason even, following the instructions, at the International Fair of Thessaloniki this year, which is a great event for Greece, coming out of the era of the economic crisis, there will be a big sign in the position of the Ministry National Defense, with "I do not forget" and a dedication to the missing people of Cyprus, the Cypriot struggle, the heroes who gave the battle for the e

In conclusion, j <39> expresses the support of the Greek Government and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, as well as the gratitude of all of us, to the families of the missing persons, to those who gave the battle to Mr. Immelos, but also to all

Let us badure you once again that we will continue and intensive Let's join our efforts to end the martyrdom that you are living

We Join the Voice with us relatives of our missing and Mr. He has the right to our missing heroes, the children and their wives are entitled, the Greek nation deserves . We owe it to those who took the reins of power until we closed our own eyes.

They are the memory of theirs. "

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