Merkel Message to Athens | POLICY


A clear signal that the completion of the memorandum schedule on August 20 does not result in a substantial completion, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel yesterday.

"It will be an important day in August when this program But the consequences of this program will not stop that day," said Merkel at a press conference yesterday

in relation to the high primary surpluses that Greece is expected to achieve in the coming years. "We have taken steps to ensure debt reduction," he said, adding that "it's a good compromise."

Merkel was also asked to extend the reduced VAT rate to first-time refugees and migrants. was agreed between herself and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in exchange for the refoulement of refugees from Germany to Greece, and categorically rejected this. He said that he had not spoken to Mr. Tsipras about this issue before announcing his decision to freeze VAT and added, as part of the refoulement of refugees from Germany. that "we are not letting the two questions in. That would not be good for any of them."

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