First Look at Resident Evil 2 Remake Collector's Edition


The early days of San Diego's Comic-Con have not disappointed us so far, as well as the revelations about new movies, comics and everything you can imagine in the entertainment field we have had revelations even for the place

The beginning was made at the Resident Evil Panel of San Diego Comic-Con, where we first saw the collector's edition of the game for America's North, including a 12-inch Leon S. Kennedy figurine, drawings the Racoon Police Department, and many more.

priced at $ 199.99 and exclusively p GameStop and EB Games, Resident Evil 2 Collector's Edition will provide fans with the following, according to the PlayStation Blog

Resident Evil 2 Deluxe Edition

  • The full version of the game
  • Special Case
  • Extra DLC Card Pack

(New Impressions for Leon and Claire):

  • Appearance of Claire: "Black"
  • Appearance of Claire: "Elir Walker"
  • Appearance of Leo: "Arklay Sheriff"
  • Remain confident that the undead creatures will remain "motionless" with the new separate weapon:
    • Luxury Weapon: "Samurai Edge – Albert Model"

    And remember the soundtrack of the first game with:

    • Soundtrack soundtrack "Original Version"

    Figure by Leon S. Kennedy (RPD Version)

    • A 12-inch figure showing Leon on his first day with RPD Police Outfit, once again to present the new game design game, down to the smallest detail

    Art Book "Ben's File"

    • A 32-page art book by Ben Bertolucci, a freelance journalist appearing on Resident Evil 2. This book contains photos and recordings of the events of the Raccoon City tragedy. ]

      Digital Soundtrack

      • A code for the new album of the game with 25 new tracks of the remake of Resident Evil 2, as well as some pieces of the first game

      A poster with plans to renovate "R.P.D."

      • A diagram of the plans to renovate a museum in the Raccoon City police offices since 1969. [19650010]

        The Resident Evil 2 remake was announced in 2015, with the first release of the release date published on the PlayStation Showcase E3 2018. Get ready to see the franchise return to its roots on Jan. 25 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC

        George, when he is not sleeping up, is a columnist of IGN Greece. If you want to hunt him with raccoons and rakes, for some "potato" he said, you should expect to overcome the end of the war of infinity or get it on Twitter . [ad_2]
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