Turkish businessman Akin Ipek, who is suspected of being intimidated by Fattulah Gullen, was arrested in the UK and is expected to appear in court to consider issuing him, been made public today by the British authorities. Mr Ipek was arrested as part of an extradition request from Turkey, "said today a spokesman for the UK Department of the Interior at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 39 French Agency, quoted by the Athens news agency.The hearing on the possibility of his release is scheduled for September and will be conducted by the Court of Justice in London
According to the agency Turkish press Anadolu, the arrest took place on May 23 and Ipek was later released on restrictive conditions .Also, according to the same source, Akin Ipek, former boss of the holding Koza-Ipek, left Ankara on August 30, 2015 with a private jet for Britain and has since returned to Turkey
.Akin Ipek is believed to be a close ally of the former preacher, Fetoulah Gullen, who heads a powerful US network of NGOs, SMEs and businesses, which the Turkish authorities have described as 9. "Terrorist organization." Ankara accuses Gülelen of orchestrating the failed coup of July 2016.
According to Anadolu, Ipek is prosecuted in a far-reaching affair against people neighbors of Gullen. He faces two life sentences for the charges of "overthrowing the Turkish government" and "violation of the Constitution", as well as a 132-year prison sentence for "terrorist organization", "political spying and military". "And the" fake official documents on behalf of a terrorist organization. "
In October 2015, the Turkish court had decided to hold the company of Akin Ipek, Koza-Ipek, owner of two newspapers two television networks.The prosecutor of Ankara had accused the company of" financing, "recruiting" and "propaganda" in the name of Fethullah Gullen
Ain Ipek categorically denies any illegal activity and speaks of "lies" () (F, f, f, q, f, f , f, f, f,
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