In a six-month prison term, a 15-year-old Indonesian was sentenced to abortion after rape by his older brother, a Saturday official said.
The Sumatra court found her guilty "under the Child Protection Act because she aborted," said a spokeswoman for the court. His trial took place alongside his 17-year-old brother, who was sentenced to two years in prison for badual badault on a minor.
In Indonesia, abortion is prohibited unless the life of the woman is in danger or under certain conditions if she has been a victim of rape.
By law, the abortion must be done by a professional no later than six weeks after the day of arrest, and the woman must be counseled.
According to the court spokesperson, the 15-year-old girl was raped eight times since September 2017 and aborted six months after being pregnant. She was helped by her mother, who is also facing charges.
Police arrested both brothers and sisters in June after finding an embryo in a palm oil plant. Prosecutors initially demanded that the 15-year-old girl be jailed for one year and her brother for seven years while seriously considering the possibility of appeal.
Health authorities and human rights agencies have long criticized Indonesia for the law on abortion, claiming that they restrict women's reproductive rights and lead to numbers of women. of them to unsafe abortions in illicit clinics.
Abortion accounts for 30-50% of maternal deaths in the country, according to a 2013 report from the World Health Organization.
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