Tramp, Putin and Mysteries World


It is true that the American president gave Putin a totally inexpensive communicative victory. This is only the summit that took Russia out of the "quarantine" diplomatic that the West had set up after the crisis in Ukraine.

As he was preparing to leave Washington for his great European tour, Donald Trab felt that one of his three important appointments was his agenda: the NATO Summit. , the visit to Britain and the meeting of Putin in Helsinki, the latter could, paradoxically, prove "the easiest". In the days that followed, he took care to justify his prophecy. In Brussels, he again criticized the partners "tzambadzis", he did not hesitate to threaten to withdraw the United States from the Alliance. In London, he launches a torpedo in the hope of concluding a bilateral trade agreement with America after Brexit and co-written with the leader of the internal opposition Boris Johnson

on the contrary, during his meeting with the first geopolitical rival of the United States, the American president found the psychological peace that he has trouble sharing with his allies. Not only did his Russian counterpart not hesitate to address a controversial issue (Crimea, Ukraine, Syria), but he also trusted him more than his own secret services with regard to the alleged Russian intervention in US Elections of 2016.

The Comparison

Whoever had to suffer the most profound state of America was not what Trab was saying or what it was. He was doing, but his own comparison with Putin. Against cold and sometimes cynical but clear goals and a full self-regulating leader, a poorly prepared and often incomprehensible tramp symbolizes a superpower who does not know where she is going and where she is going

The heavy trauma causes an explosion of attacks vitriol would be unthinkable for any other American president. Former CIA director John Brennan described his attitude as "treacherous," while Democrat Nancy Peliozzi wondered "what Putin was holding".

Contributors to the serious prints had the opportunity to be the model of the Trump Russians who can hold him hostage with an economic or badual scandal and prepare him for years to become president of America for break the West. It is striking that intelligent people who have been persuaded to harbad "conspiracy theories" have not hesitated to serve the most monstrous conspiracy theory of recent times. Of course, nonsense can be a psychotherapeutic function: it is very convenient to turn the anathema into a "Russian dummy" instead of asking what's wrong with this society that generates a powerful current of nationalism, xenophobia and reactionary populism, which manages to bring a Trump to the White House. It is true that the US president gave Putin an inexpensive, communicative victory. This is only the summit that took Russia out of the diplomatic "quarantine" where the West had posed it after the crisis in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea. While Barack Obama argued that Russia was now degraded into a regime of regional power, Tramb reinstated it as a global nuclear superpower, coinciding with Putin's desire to be both national and international [19659008]. nothing has changed with Helsinki. At the G7 Summit in Quebec, Trab reportedly said in camera that the West should at some point make a compromise with the annexation of Crimea because "everyone over there speaks Russian". This has raised concerns in the anti-Russian camp for a possible lifting of sanctions or even to ease the military pressure of NATO in Eastern Europe. None of this happened, either because Tramp had redesigned it, or because the deep state reaction had compelled him to back down. As for Syria, Putin seemed open to the Israeli claim to push for the expulsion of Iranian troops and Hezbollah from the country, although it is not easy to do so. But why does Trab want to normalize relations with Russia?

The real estate entrepreneur sees international politics in principle for economic reasons – so simplistic that he suggests Teresa May to … sue in the EU. to blacken better terms for Brexit. From an economic point of view, Europe and China are the most powerful competitors of the United States, as evidenced also by its huge deficits. Russia, on the other hand, with a smaller economy than California, is a paronych. In fact, a normalization of its relations would save American military expenditures and prevent a prospective and dangerous Eurasian alliance with China

"Civil War"

However, such a reorientation strategic and radical within the US state has matured. Without rosophobia, NATO has no reason to be essential and, without NATO, maintaining the geopolitical unity between America and the United States. Europe will be challenged by the centrifugal forces of economic competition. Helsinki's political "lynxism" of Trabble itself and the new psychosis in the case of the 29-year-old Russian, Maria Bustina, suggest that the forces supporting the Second Cold War still have the upper hand. Trump's insistence, however, to invite Putin to the White House in the fall, and the unprecedented action of Dan Couch, chief executive of the US secret services, to speculate publicly on the choice of the president of his country proves that (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (arguments)}; if (! f.fbq) f._fbq = n; = n; n.loaded =! 0; n.version = 2.0 & # 39 ;; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement (e); t.async =! 0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName (e) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, "script", // .js & # 39;); fbq (& # 39; init & # 39 ;, & gt; 109138906120213 & gt;); fbq (& # 39; track & # 39 ;, "PageView"); [ad_2]
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