The Treb deal with Juncker for soybeans and cars – Newsbeast


US President Donald Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker announced Wednesday that they were in agreement to advance a series of measures on agriculture, agriculture and agriculture. industry and energy to defuse bipartite conflict

Here is a summary of the most important initiatives that have been announced, but remain rather vague

Speaking of a "big day" for the free trade and a "new phase" in the United States … (19659002) "We will work to reduce barriers (for example, to reduce barriers to trade)"

"We will work to reduce tariff barriers) and increase trade in services, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, medical products and even soybeans, "Trab said.

Trab promised to "work to solve" the issue of additional 25% tariffs on steel and 10% on aluminum imported by the United States since the ". Europe. It was precisely these duties, which came into effect on June 1, that triggered the tension between Washington and Brussels

It was not clear whether this meant that the Trumbal government would suspend validity, for cancellation.

The European Union will begin "almost immediately" to buy "more soy" from US producers, he said. The soya issue can cause friction in Europe, with 94% of US soybeans being genetically modified to resist herbicides, according to US data. Ministry of Agriculture

It will only be the marketing of the product, because the cultivation of genetically modified soya is prohibited in Europe. Soy should also be registered with the EU

The EU currently imports a large amount of soybeans from Latin American countries because after the agreement of Blair House (with the United States in 1992 on trade issues), he pledged not to proceed.

According to a European source, no new customs duty will be levied on European cars imported into the United States, which is of crucial importance for Germany, where this sector employs 800,000 people

give orders at the end of May to the Ministry of Commerce to consider imposing additional import duties of up to 25% on this strategic area of ​​the company. 39, world economy

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