The fire of the underworld and regional dumps in California – World


A forest fire, which is rapidly moving through southern California and reportedly arson, forced more than 3,000 mountain communities to flee their homes on Thursday as firefighters struggled to save many buildings in danger. to become ashes.

The fire that Californian authorities call Cranston is one of those that occurred Wednesday in Riverside County and the authorities say they think they caused a suspect himself.

Brandon McGlore, 32, was arrested on Wednesday in Heme City and sued for five indignation by intent, the US Forest Protection Service said. It has not been clear whether McGlorever, who was jailed and the amount of the guarantee for his conditional release, was set at $ 1 million, has a Cranston

fire lawyer, who destroyed at least five houses and continues to rage. The mountains of San Hbadinto, west of Palm Springs, have urged the authorities to order the urgent evacuation of 3,200 people from three regions

Nearly 700 firefighters are fighting with the flames, which in fact we stayed

It is one of five major wildfires, but not controlled in the state, in the middle of the heat wave in California, where the mercury breaks the record. North Carolina, Kar has also forced thousands to leave their homes, as firefighters struggle to control the flames in a mountainous area of ​​Sasta County. This fire burns an area located 240 km north of Sacramento and converted to ashes on 81,000 acres by Thursday, three times more than previously. It has been put under control by only 10%, according to the California Forestry and Fire Protection Service. According to a spokesman for the agency, Scott McLinn, he travels to Reading Town (90,000 inhabitants).

"If you live west of Reading, start preparing for the evacuation". "The fire is out of control!"

California Governor Jerry Brown said Thursday Shasta and Riverside counties in a state of emergency, due to fires, which are stimulated by high temperatures (37 ° C) and low humidity.

In addition, the Ferguson fire forced Yosemiti National Park to temporarily close a visitor center. The Ferguson Fire, which burns vegetation on rugged slopes and inaccessible areas, has proven to be very dangerous for firefighters. One of them was killed on July 14, when a project machine that he used to make a firewall was knocked down. Seven other firefighters were injured.

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