Significant distinction for the Greek group iC …


The Greek team won second place in Microsoft's final innovation contest Microsoft, Imagine Cup 2018, which ended July 25 in Seattle, United States.

According to the announcement, more than 3,000 students from around the world

The 20 finalist groups have used technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, mixed reality in conjunction with the team work, and more. very pbadionate, demonstrating in the best way how young people today with the power of science and information technology aspire to create a better world

The Greek team, from the Laboratory of Signal Processing and Biomedical Technology of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of mechanical computing of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, composed by Andreas Loutzidis, Anastasia Dhracha and Jason Hadjikosta, with the supervisor Mr. Leontios Chatzileontiadis [19659002] Their proposal, the iCry2Talk project managed to distinguish between the 20 finalists teams in the final phase, with the app that decrypts the cry of the baby, answering for the first time the basic questions of parents and drawing of 39 excellent reviews and high ratings of the jury [19659002] The iCry2Talk team has created an innovative application that uses machi learning techniques not deep to translate the baby's crying into speech and steal impressions. Through the application, four-year-old CEMS students decipher the baby's crying, which turn into a written word or image, to provide parents and caregivers with valuable information about why the baby is crying. crying child

iCry2Talk relies on the badumption that an effective combination and badysis of different sources of information, through advanced signal processing techniques and algorithms. In-depth learning, can ultimately bridge the communication gap between parents and all while seeking to support any new or endless parent by providing them with an objective tool to recognize the cause of crying and the immediate and appropriate care of the baby

As reported by members of the iCry2Talk group, "the relationship between parent and infant is and iCry2Talk is about to bridge the gap of this communication and provide a tool i nstrumental for an objective "translation" of infantile crying, particularly useful for young and inexperienced parents who want to recognize the needs of their baby and provide him with the right care right away. As part of the Imagine Cup competition, we have become more aware of the range of possibilities offered by new technologies combined with creative thinking about the development of projects and applications that can significantly affect the lives of people. people and everyday life. The positive result and the warm support of the iCry2Talk community of parents and doctors filled us with optimism, appetite and desire to work but especially love for our team and our project! "It was an excellent experience," they continued, "we have worked with space experts and we have received positive feedback on our work!"

The Canadian Team from the initiative smartARM has won this year its first prize with a pioneering company, a robotic prosthetic hand.Uses Microsoft Azure Vision Technologies by Computer, Machine Learning and Cloud Storage to determine the most appropriate adhesion based of the object that he seeks to reach The Canadian team won the $ 85,000 prize and a mentoring session with the Microsoft CEO Satya The third place was won by Mediated Ear of Japan with a hearing-impaired project

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