A new "Richter" scale for … aliens!


An international scientific group created a new scale type Richter which – instead of earthquakes – measures the probability of a signal " Rio 2.0 ", which marks possible extraterrestrial signals from zero to ten, radio telescopes, originates from extraterrestrial civilization was submitted for official approval to the Standing Committee on Extraterrestrial Intelligence Research, created by the International Academy of Astronautics ]

Researchers from the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Hungary and the Netherlands, led by Duncan Strugan of the Center for Exoplanetary Science from St Andrews University of Scotland, in the International Journal of Astrobiology "International Journal of Astrobiology ", according to the British "Gardian."

Astronomers sometimes catch radio signals that seem somewhat different from the ordinary, then, after careful badysis, they each time have their expectations of contact with strangers – at least until they reach the end of their life. at present – are excluded because the marks finally seem to have a more "pedestrian" (and earthy) origin.

A mark that would be rated "ten" would cause a real earthquake around the world, as it would have been the case for "an extraterrestrial handshake" whose astronomer Jill Tarter, co-author Founder and until recently head of research at the famous American Institute of Secular Intelligence Research (SETI) what was the e fun for the scholar Elli Aroguei of Carle Seigan's novel "Contact" and the role played by Johnny Foster in the director's director Robert Zemeckis in 1997.

The new scale is freely accessible by the scientific community and the public, here .

And a reminder: All scientists do not "steal the cap" for contact with extraterrestrials. Some – like the late Steven Hawking – were and are more than cautious about such a prospect, fearing the worst …

See the scientific publication

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