Mars closer to Earth than ever!


Today, Mars will be approaching the Earth more than ever since 2003. The result will be the brighter Mars of the last 15 years and the next 17 years

Mars and Earth are moving with elliptical orbits around the Sun at different distances from our star and at different speeds. Every two years, the two neighboring planets and the Sun are aligned with the Earth in the middle, a phenomenon called "contrast" in astronomy. The opposition of this year has occurred on July 27, the same day as the total spectacular long-lasting lunar eclipse.

Mars will reach its nearest point on Earth at 10:50 am on July 31st. The planet, shining in the sky with an orange-red hue, will be about 57.6 million kilometers from Earth

  Mars Approaching the Planet Earth

NASA and Others Space services launch their space missions about every two years as Mars approaches the Earth to make the journey shorter. Thus, Opportunity and Spirit Rovers were launched in 2003, the MRO Martian satellite in 2005 and Mars Phoenix Lander in 2007.

The next Mars-Earth approach will take place in October 2020 and the next very close opposition of the two planets in September 2035.

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