Hard days for Elias Psinakis


Difficult days for Elias Psinakis. Now they call it "undesirable and extremely dangerous for Marathon" with the resolution of 23 of the 30 city councilors.

Following the resignation of the two deputies to the mayor and the independence of a city councilor, as mentions the "Young Mikropoulikon", the mayor of Marathon has a majority of municipal councilors facing him. Indeed, 7 of the 23 councilors who signed the resolution are from Elias Psinakis' training.

"We have left our municipality alone and we are hanging in the hands of a mayor who proves to be not only extremely incompetent and dangerous for our city, but by his behavior and his public appearances he is affecting morality and the dignity of every resident of Barnabas, Grammatiko, Marathon and Nea Makri Elias Psinakis is not only a helpless mayor.He is now a dangerous mayor for our country.With this resolution, the Marathon City Council makes Elias Psinakis undesirable and extremely dangerous even for the physical health of the citizens of our municipality and the invitation to resign from the post of mayor ", among others, in the resolution.


Already, a meeting of the city council was convened Friday afternoon. Here is a war to come, while it does not seem surprising and a resignation …

However, we seem to "give up" Elias Psinakis, like the 20 councilors of his party, with whom the mayor of Marathon, after the resignations and independence – since five city councilors have been independent since the beginning of the municipal authority – and the voices demanding his resignation have about a quarter of the councilors.

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