A request for perjury to the medical examiner of the Pantelidis family


An appendix of pseudocracy at the expense of coroner Kostas Cubaris was reportedly presented by Pantelis Pantelidis' family, according to the newspaper Eleftheros Typos.

Kostas Kouraris, medical expert, was taken into account by all the prosecutors whose fate of February 18, 2016 pbaded.

Mr. Cubaris' expertise played a key role in the evolution of the case, as he concludes with certainty that Pantelis Pantelides was driving the fatal night. Indeed, it was particularly badytical, stating straight away that, because of the serious accident and the fact that the occupants were not wearing seat belts, they had to be on the right side of the vehicle.

Indeed, he explained that when the iron ray struck the singer, he was back to the door on the right side of the vehicle and at his side. "This attitude would not have been possible if he was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, because there was no way to rotate a car around its vertical axis, as in this accident, the right sitting to turn and stand up right door, "said the coroner.

The specialist also confirms the compatibility of Frosio Kyriakos' injuries with the co-pilot's position. "The right seat will hit the pbadenger's door with his right shoulder, just like Efrosini Kyriakou, who suffered a fracture of the upper limb of the right brachial bone, perfectly compatible with the above. right fracture of the right shoulder because he made a very short trip, because he was sitting on the right of the co-pilot, so he left the right door only about twenty centimeters ", concludes he in his report.

As part of the open investigation into the family's complaint, Cypriot experts Giorgos and Andreas Tzirkalis were summoned to support a different version of the accident.

The conclusion of the Cypriot experts is supposed to annul the decision of first instance.

The newspaper reports that the main conclusion of the Cypriot experts Pantelis Pantelidis was not in the driver's position, but in the co-pilot's position.

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