Why Bill Gates presented a jar on a forum in Beijing – SKAI (www.skai.gr)



Risks resulting from feces can be avoided according to billionaire Bill Gates


06/11/2018 – 6:04 p.m.

Last update:
06/11/2018 – 6:04 p.m.


Photo AP / Mark Schiefelbein
Photo AP / Mark Schiefelbein

Billionaire Bill Gates, who holds a jar filled with feces, has tried to seduce the eyes and draw attention to the lack of toilets in developing countries, thus promoting the toilets from the future.

"Where there are no health facilities, there is still a lot to do here," said Microsoft's co-founder, pointing to the container next to him at one of the sites. forum in Beijing for the redevelopment of the toilets.

"When children play, they are constantly exposed to these dangers – not only quality of life, but also diseases, malnutrition and death," he said.

In the forum, Gates presented a toilet that does not require water or sewerage and uses chemicals to convert human excrement into fertilizer.

This toilet was created after years of research based on financial support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and is ready for sale. It is based on the separation of liquids from solid feces.

"The toilets we have today only eliminate faeces in the water, and these toilets do not need a sewer system. They take fluids and solids, and they treat chemicals. In most cases, they burn, "Gates told Reuters.

According to Unicef, nearly 900 million people do not have toilets and use the campaign. In India, 150 million people still do not have a toilet, compared with 550 million in 2014.

The Gates Foundation hopes that the new toilets will initially be installed in schools and public buildings until they become affordable to the general public.

Gates said the next step would be to promote the new washroom to builders, while estimating that their market would surpbad 6 billion by 2030.

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