A man shot dead with police after a flight to ELTA in Vilia


27/11/18 • 11:17 | UPD 27/11/18 • 11:19

Press room eleftherostypos.gr

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According to reports, the three armed robbers arrived at Vilnius's ELTA section at around 8:30 am and the police were immediately found on the scene with whom they exchanged fire.

The bloody robbery on an ELTA branch, in Vilia, Attica, occurred today early in the morning.

One of the thieves was injured by the bullets, two others were searched. It is unclear whether they escaped with money or if the two cases are related.

The bloody theft in Villias comes a few hours after the armed robbery committed by two people Monday at the supermarket "Sklavenitis", located in the Avenue Anapafios, Vrilissia.

The DIAS team quickly broke it and the police shot a wounded actor. After police investigations in the area, the second thief was also arrested and arrested.

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