One issue that afflicts humankind over time is "the afterlife experience," that is, what happens to us after our heart stops beating.
There are many reports of how one can understand and hear what is going on around him, even after his clinical death. Now, a group of researchers says that the human brain continues to function for a while after its heart has stopped beating! The research was published in the scientific journal of the European Resuscitation Council entitled "AWARE-AWAreness during resuscitation – A prospective study".
In particular, a group of scientists from the Medical School of Stony Brook University in New York examined cases of cardiac arrest patients in Europe and the United States. They noticed that patients who had recovered well after their heart stopped beating could remember the conversations of the doctors around them and were aware of what was around them.
The head of the study, Dr. Sam Parnia, said that these patients could describe in detail what was happening around them. A person is judged clinically dead while the heart stops beating. When this happens, the heart stops pumping blood into the brain and it gradually begins to "turn off".
Dr. Parnia points out that this brainwashing process can take hours and that the deceased person (that is, his or her heart has stopped) will be able to understand what is happening in its environment.
The researchers hope this study will help manage cardiac arrest and prevent brain damage during recovery from such incidents. Dr. Parnia said: "At the same time, we are also studying the human brain and consciousness in the context of death in order to understand whether the consciousness stops immediately or whether it continues after a person's death for a while, and how that is related to what happens within brain in real time ".
What the new study tells us
What this study "reveals" is that people are "trapped" in their own bodies for some time after their declaration of death. According to Dr. Parnia, patients who survive successful resuscitation, that is, after a "life after death" experience, change significantly. Contrary to what Hollywood says, people who … come back from such an experience do not have visions or memories in addition.
He explained that the region of the brain or cerebral cortex slowed down and eventually stopped working, but that the brain cells were still active. When the resuscitation process begins, the heart starts to work again and the brain does it.
Dr. Parnia says: "If you manage to restart the heart, the brain will gradually start working again." As recovery begins, these cerebral cell death pathways may still be active, but their functioning is reduced. people who live "post-mortem experiences" come back positively altered, become more altruistic, more dedicated to helping others, find new meaning in life after such a close encounter with death, but there is no Magical momentum suddenly from their memories, this only happens in Hollywood. ".
Translation / interpretation of Iatropedia.gr with information from https://www.news-medical.net
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