Sri Triantafillou: The far right does not go to Greece because right-wing voters vote for the left


An exciting article entitled "It's security, stupid!", Wrote the famous writer Soti Triantafyllou in Athens Voice.

In his article, Sotti Triantafyllou explains why the far right is rising all over the world while it stagnates in Greece.

He writes in detail:

The strengthening of the far right is manifest almost everywhere except in Greece. The Greeks are members of the right but vote on the left. In any case, where the far right is getting stronger, there are three main reasons. The first is the awareness of the center-periphery dichotomy: the longer the population lives from the center – the city, the capital or the metropolis – the more the petty-bourgeois movements combining nationalism and provincialism are predisposed; expresses dissatisfaction with the elite and on the way of life. Right-wing (and left-wing) populists invest in the "provinces" – which are a major failure of developed countries – and complain about incomplete infrastructure and central power discourse. Enlarged democracy does not seem to suppress the traditional opposition between towns and villages: in fact, the solution remains the reunification of villages, their unification in medium-sized towns – a large-scale project. Like things and attitudes, the relationship between state neglect and distance from the center still exists. Although in most countries local authorities play a more important role than in the past.

The second cause, badociated with the first, is of course the economy. With the development of the free or semi-free market system, a vast glamorous area has been created, to which most citizens can not participate. This is not exactly the plutocracy and wealth accumulation at 1% as in the US: it is the hot spots of consumers and tourists that cause the feeling of exclusion. Part of the population looks at the window in the cold: they are not "forgotten" as they claim – education, public administration, services are everywhere, often they do not have the desired level.

The reason they are turning to the popular right rather than to the far left is the third cause of his support and the most egregious: the badertion of security.

Security specifications and requirements vary by country, such as Brazil and France. Even if the roots of insecurity are different, the result is similar: people, disappointed by the jackpot, the blindness and blur of the left, choose the right that naturally promises them to protect this political freedom first. Tajir Bolsonarou was widely elected because in Brazil, 62,000 people are killed each year. Marin Lepén has a constant success because, in addition to flatter the French province (with expressions such as "the people", "the poor", etc.), he understands the impact of Islamism, which is a form of intimidation and violence.

Security is not a bourgeois obsession nor a manifestation of nationalism: it is the basis of all liberties. Democracy begins with the guarantee of social peace and the rule of law. After decades of social democracy and juggling with various forms of delinquency, political and religious violence has been legitimized: crime (apart from badbadinations) explodes and is, in most cases, a vector of communication to Islamic militancy. . Anti-Semitism is intensifying in all Western countries and, after a few years of relative calm, hate crimes against women and homobaduals are on the rise. At the same time, vandalism, destruction of public property, looting – all forms of violence resulting from the foregoing – have increased, as was the case in the United States up to the policy of "Tolerance". from zero "which, given the American nature, of the obscure idea of ​​law and order, came to a police state. I would like to say that the American example, although it had impressive results, can not be implemented in Europe. And that is in itself a long discussion.

European countries' forces are afraid of offenders and the rule of law: police officers are often overly zealous, although they generally do not show zeal if they lack the means to do so. and incentives. Restrictions, popular movements and the heavy shadow of justice, as well as bureaucracy and too many laws and regulations, make security services cumbersome. Many Europeans are allergic to the problem of the police and insist on the paranoid idea of ​​their overcrowding: they claim at the same time security for themselves and freedom for themselves – they do not take into account the fact that their own as they perceive it, may increase. danger for others and that their own freedom has a limit to the freedom of others. The simple lesson is not yet a property and, oddly enough, it is a subject of controversy.

The principle of security, which, because of its absence, favors the politicians who invoke it, is the same mentality. In other words, it is necessary to agree on its importance both as an individual right and as an organization within the state. Citizens are afraid of their physical integrity and their property: they are afraid of Bahalakis, leftists, social margin (irregular immigrants, drug addicts, etc.). We can not blame them, insecurity is true when they feel it. The law must do something: preventive action, repressive action, responsibility, exemplary punishment, reintegration. The delay of this reform is very expensive: the citizens become more and more conservative, tormented by more and more fears and a feeling of militarism more and more aggressive. In the meantime, new citizens are educated as citizens in an atmosphere of lawlessness, ugliness and the absence of borders. And they are capable of everything.

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