Mayor sued a resident for defamatory libel


28.11.2018 | 3:18 p.m.

Press room

At the Attorney's Office of the Mitilini Prosecutor's Office, a resident of Mytilene is accused of defaming and spreading false news following a lawsuit brought against him by the mayor of Lesbos Spyros Galinos.

The accused, who at the same time circulated the proclamation of a newly formed municipal faction with members of the so-called "Mytilene patriotic movement", has publicly stated, according to the mayor's complaint, that a non-governmental organization established in Lesbos to solve the refugee problem belongs to Mr. Galinos and his family members. From this activity, even the mayor said that the pursuit, there are great benefits. That's why the mayor supports immigrants arriving on the island.

"I call anyone who claims to have with me or a family member any relationship with an NGO or a financial management of the refugee issue to appear in court to hear the defense of the accused. And there, to show together the truth about the lies spread by certain circles for specific reasons.The most important of them is the division of social cohesion, our place for the same micropolitical benefit " said the mayor of Lesvos Spyros Galinos. He concluded: "He is confident that the officers will do their duty to protect the local community from the lies, slander, poison of certain circles in this place where we all try to seize it."

Source: RES-EAP

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